Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Check out the Privacy Notice related to data collection and use of cookies by Chris Landscaping and Construction. If you have any questions or concerns, write to

Your privacy is important to us. It is Chris Landscaping and Construction policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect on the website.

This privacy policy contains information about how we process, in whole or in part, automated or not, the personal data of users who access Its objective is to clarify to interested parties about the types of data that are collected, the reasons for the collection and the way in which the user can update, manage or delete this information.

This Privacy Policy has been prepared in accordance with several privacy and data protection laws and regulations.

This Privacy Policy informs in a simple and transparent way the form of treatment and use of the information, from collection to disposal, in which it may be updated as a result of any updating of the regulations, which is why the user is invited to consult periodically this section.

By accessing the website, the user expresses his free acceptance of the terms of these Privacy Directives, authorizing the obtaining of the data and information mentioned herein, as well as its use for the purposes specified below. If you do not agree with these Directives, you may discontinue your access to the website.

We only ask for personal information when we really need it to provide you with a service or perform some calculation that will be presented to you. We do this by fair and lawful means, with your knowledge and consent.

You are free to refuse our request for personal information, with the understanding that we may not be able to provide you with some of the services you require.

We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide the requested service. When we store data, we protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification, and we do not share personally identifiable information publicly or with third parties, except as required by law.


  1. During navigation, the following information may be collected: characteristics of the access device, browser, Internet Protocol with date, time and origin, information about clicks, pages accessed, any term typed on the website and/or application (including in our search tool), geolocation, among others.
  2. The information will be received, treated and stored in a safe and complete way, in a controlled and safe environment, respecting the legal term of custody, even after the end of the relationship maintained with the user of the site.
  3. The information obtained will be considered confidential and will only be accessed by authorized and qualified persons to provide the treatment.
  4. The information collected can be used to provide more efficient navigation, directed to the needs of users, providing them with a better experience. The storage time of the information will respect the laws in force, as well as the best practices of Information Security, aiming to meet the highest level of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
  5. When browsing the site, the user may not accept the use of cookies. In this case, you can adjust your browser settings to not allow its use. However, it is not recommended to disable them, as it may impact the user experience when using the site. In relation to the application, if the user does not agree with the use of technologies to recognize the origin and last access, as well as monitor its use, the user must interrupt his access to the application.
  6. The storage and use of information will enable us to offer personalized services, according to the characteristics and interests of its users. As a result, there may be specific content and advertising offers for customers, benefiting their experience on the website and/or application.
  7. The information and data contained in our records, as well as other requests that guarantee legal or contractual rights, will only be provided to the respective holders upon formal request, in compliance with legal requirements.
  8. The user’s access and personal data records, compliance with privacy rights, protection of personal data and the secrecy of private communications are carried out in accordance with the legislation.
  9. Personal data may be permanently deleted, upon request of the customer, at the end of the relationship between the parties, observing the storage period established by law.
  10. The website may contain links that direct the customer, in its sole and exclusive discretion, to third party pages. Chris Landscaping and Construction disclaims any responsibility for the safety of browsing on such pages, as well as for the content on them.
  11. Regardless of the direction made on the website and/or application page, these Privacy Policies are not applicable to the pages of third-party companies, which may have privacy policies different from this one, about which it is recommended to read.
  12. Chris Landscaping and Construction is not responsible, under any circumstances, for problems related to the partial or total unavailability of data transmissions resulting from the infrastructure of service providers and internet access.


Definition of technical terms:

Cookies or similar technologies (eg pixel tags, web bugs, among others): small text files that store user preferences when using certain websites and/or applications on the internet, improving your browsing experience and making it more fast.

Third Party Cookies

In some special cases, we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third-party cookies you may encounter through this website.

  • This website uses Google Analytics, which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solutions on the web, to help us understand how you use the website and how we can improve your experience. These cookies can track things like how much time you spend on the site and the pages you visit so that we can continue to produce engaging content. For more information about Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
  • Third-party analytics are used to track and measure usage of this website so that we can continue to produce compelling content. These cookies can track things like the time you spend on the site or the pages you visit, which helps us understand how we can improve the site for you.
  • This website uses Facebook Pixel, which is one of the social media integration solutions, to help us understand how you use the website and how we can improve your experience. These cookies can track things like how much time you spend on the site and the pages you visit or whether you clicked on any of our ads on Facebook or Instagram. so that we can continue to produce compelling content. For more information about Facebook Pixel cookies, see the official Facebook Pixel page.
  • We periodically test new features and make subtle changes to the way the site presents itself. When we are still testing new features, these cookies may be used to ensure you receive a consistent experience while on the site, while we understand which optimizations our users appreciate most.
  • As we sell products, it’s important for us to understand statistics about how many visitors to our website actually buy, and so this is the type of data these cookies will track. This is important to you as it means we can make accurate business forecasts that allow us to analyze our advertising and product costs to ensure you get the best possible price.

Links: also called hyperlinks, hyperlinks or links, they are logical and dynamic connections, usually underlined in blue, that take the user to a page or website on the internet.

Any questions regarding this policy can be clarified by our email: